Learn what is Godliness:
Godliness is nothing but the natural behavior which God has put in every man's heart to be with God and to walk in His way. But true godliness is only by having the godliness behavior to Jesus. So, God says in Psalms 4:3. 'But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself'. Lets take the word I Timothy 6:6. 'But godliness with contentment is great gain'.
As per the word, godliness is gaining Christ. How to gain Christ? Accepting Jesus as the Lord and savior in our heart and take water baptism and receiving Holy Spirit is gaining Christ. More from the word, in I Timothy 3:16 'And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory'.
Godliness is a mystery; in other words, it is a secret. How does the secret revealed? The above verse continued how to open the mysterious thing.
- Jesus was manifested in the flesh.
- He was justified in the spirit.
- He was seen of angels.
- Preached unto the gentiles.
- Believed on in the world.
- Received up in the glory.
Jesus was manifested in the flesh:
Why God has to become man? From Romans 8:3; 'God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh'. He came to the world to condemn the sin. The laws in the period of old testament neither fulfill the will of God nor delivered anyone from sin. So, Jesus came from heaven and died for us in the cross and resurrected on the third day. If we accept Him as the Savior and Lord, we will die to sin and live forever as 'He is the way, the truth and life'.
Jesus was justified in the Spirit:
The creator of heaven and the earth came down to earth and got baptism from John. He said to John "for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness". The creator got baptism from the creation. How humblw and loving God we server. I admired His humbleness and love. Praise to Jesus.
He was seen of angels:
After Jesus got baptism, He was sent to the wilderness to be tempted by satan. We too often have trials and temptation when we are on the right path with godliness. But as from the word, 'Then the devil leaveth Him', he leave us when we are in godliness. Then, there came the angels to server Him. Same like Him, He has angels to charge over us. See the work of God; He is loving us so much like anything. Praise to Jesus, the almighty.
Preached unto the gentiles:
He may be known to Israel but He is the only God who is preached to all the nations of the world. As per the word, He was preached, is preached and will be preached till He comes in the glory to take the chosen people to be with Him. Praise to Jesus.
Believed on in the world :
The History turned to B.C and A.D only by Him as He is the only God who is known even to the corners of the world. He is believed and known to most of the people in the whole world. What a magnificent God we serve? Jesus, the name above all names, that man knows...... To Him be all the praise.
Received up in the glory:
He was resurrected and received up in the glory and He is seated at the right hand of Father, still speaking for us and preparing the mansion for us in heaven to have our eternal living with Him. Yes, He is going to come one day and take us to be with Him and the people who never believed in Jesus will cry and weep on that day.
There is no repentance after Jesus came. This is the right time to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior who delivers us from sin and He is the only way to heaven. Never regret after. Live in holiness and godliness. Jesus will always be with you..... Amen.